Ford Mustang Mach-e Gt Spy Shoot

We all apperceive the Mustang cast has austere pedigree, so Ford’s abstraction of afraid that affecting moniker on a abundant SUV, fuelled by batteries and afterwards the campanology endorsement of a acceptable bellowing V8, aloft added than a few eyebrows. But what could it do? Ford wasn’t abandoned in actuality bent comatose with the brief acceleration of Tesla and a alteration added world. Aback you acquisition yourself on the aback foot, you allegation to booty risks to angle out. So it did. Catechism is, is the Mustang Mach-E GT – the best able and ‘Mustangy’ of this new brand of pony – aces of the name? And, for that matter, its abreast £70,000 amount tag?

4 Ford Mustang Mach-E GT SUV  Model Details & Specs - ford mustang mach-e gt
4 Ford Mustang Mach-E GT SUV Model Details & Specs – ford mustang mach-e gt | ford mustang mach-e gt
4 Ford Mustang Mach-E GT first drive review: More power, more  - ford mustang mach-e gt
4 Ford Mustang Mach-E GT first drive review: More power, more – ford mustang mach-e gt | ford mustang mach-e gt
4 Ford Mustang Mach-E GT Review - by Jordan Golson - ford mustang mach-e gt
4 Ford Mustang Mach-E GT Review – by Jordan Golson – ford mustang mach-e gt | ford mustang mach-e gt

What are the alternatives? Well, acutely the Tesla Model Y, but there are affluence of bodies who – accurately or abominably – would rather lop off a leg than accompany Club Tesla, alike if it does accord you admission to by far the best charging arrangement in the country. Again there’s the Volkswagen ID.4 GT Max, but that’s a solid adversary rather than an aberrant one, and, like every added VW Group product, comes with a abashing infotainment arrangement that you can’t abstain interacting with. So that’s out. The Hyundai Ioniq 5 is good, but not absolutely actual sporty. Admitting its Kia-branded affinity is.

That said, the Kia EV6 AWD GT-Line S we accept actuality isn’t an eye-line battling for the Mach-E GT because it’s trading 326hp and 446lb ft adjoin the Mach-E’s 487hp and 634lb ft. The botheration is, the all-singing, all-dancing Kia EV6 GT isn’t out yet, and this analysis speaks to those in allegation of a car today not tomorrow. And the actuality is, with BIK tax so low on all EVs at the moment, the near-£15,000 exceptional for this best able of Mustangs isn’t a big obstacle if you’re a aggregation car user: alike if you’re in the top assets tax band, we’re talking a piffling £120 on your anniversary tax bill to run the Mach-E GT over this EV6. So, bold the Mach-E GT appearance on your advantage account in the aboriginal place, you’d be mad not to, right? Ah, but aloof because you can doesn’t beggarly you should. Is the Mach-E GT absolutely the bigger car? That’s the afire question.

Well, there’s one aspect of the EV6’s achievement that beats the Mach-E’s calmly bottomward – and abounding added EVs as well, including the Model Y. Its charging rate. With an 800-volt DC onboard charger, you can augment it activity at up to 350kW. So you can allegation a 10-80 per cent allegation (if you can acquisition a charger that powerful) into its 77kWh (useable) array in as little as little as 16 minutes. The Mach-E’s 150kW on lath charger needs 43 account to complete the aforementioned top up, although its bigger (useable) 91kWh array – which, incidentally, has aloof been added from 88kWh with a software amend that’ll be accessible to absolute owners – provides a hardly bigger WLTP range: 310 afar against the EV6’s 300 miles. As always, it is absurd you will accomplish those abstracts in the absolute world. You can apprehend about 200 afar from the EV6 on a cross-country run in abstemious conditions, and maybe 215 afar from the Mach-E.

When it comes to the acceptable admeasurement of performance, though, the Mach-E smashes the EV6. From a continuing alpha it’ll hit 0-62mph in 3.7 seconds, while the EV6 takes 5.2 seconds. How amazing is it that 5.2 seconds, for what’s absolutely a adequately accustomed agency of ancestors transport, is fabricated to complete so slow? The truth, of course, is it isn’t. The EV6 provides a bellyful of achievement for your every whim. You’ll never acquisition its torque commitment absent at annihilation up to UK motorway speeds and it’ll celerity adjournment A-roaders with able ease, that’s for certain. Still, there’s no abstinent the Mach-E’s added rapaciousness, which is able abundant to beat the anchor of the advanced axle, causing the advanced tyres to scrabble and the council caster to agonize during full-bore assaults. It’s absolutely added corybantic than the EV6.

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It’s acutely been set up to entertain, too, because you can avenue aeroembolism with capricious angles by cutting the rear arbor as well. Yet the aforementioned is accurate of the EV6 and, if anything, its added anticipated ability commitment makes it sweeter to comedy with. And not aloof on the avenue of corners, either, because the EV6 offers adaptability in added ways. Aback off if the adenoids starts blame and you feel the car pivoting neatly about its antithesis and tucking in. It does aggregate that the Mach-E will do afar from the cartoonishly lairy stuff. It has a amount of dash about it, and you accept to duke it to Kia for carrying a amount of fun with some polish.

Ready for a Track Near You: Mustang Mach-E GT and GT Performance  - ford mustang mach-e gt
Ready for a Track Near You: Mustang Mach-E GT and GT Performance – ford mustang mach-e gt | ford mustang mach-e gt

This air of brightness to shines through in added ways. The EV6 – almost speaking because it’s no Taycan – has the damping and bounce ante to cope not alone with ambitious alley undulations but additionally the demands of its own ample mass. The abeyance rarely feels like it’s active out of ideas, no amount how arduous the terrain, so from abaft the caster you acquisition yourself growing with aplomb and diving added into its chassis’ reserves. The council plays its part. It’s not overburdened with feel from the road, but it endless up abundant to let you barometer the armament acting on the advanced tyres and it’s absolute abundant to cross amid the verges of a attenuated and ambagious alley afterwards any stress.

There are added assets as well. The brakes aren’t disproportionately besmirched by activity recouperation and feel accelerating as a result. And speaking of regen, I was rather ardent with Kia’s role for the council caster paddles. Lots of cars let you change the regen from the paddles, but I haven’t appear beyond one with the adaptability of the EV6’s. Tap the larboard one on the way into a bend and anniversary time it’ll access the regen in a way that mimics, to an extent, alteration bottomward gears. You can additionally authority the left-hand paddle and it’ll appearance the regen braking up to maximum, slicing off some drive progressively, until you absolution the paddle and it allotment to the antecedent setting. For a one-pedal aftereffect you can flick the paddle until the regen is at its maximum, or columnist and authority the appropriate paddle for the auto mode, which varies the regen depending on what’s ahead. It’s able-bodied anticipation out and gives you options afterwards defective to burrow into a screen. That’s good.

The Mach-E doesn’t accept paddles abaft the council caster and afterwards jumping out the EV6 you absence them. Instead, the regen is controlled from the infotainment screen, area the one pedal about-face is found, or the ‘L’ button on the rotary accessory selector that gives you a center house. But its abridgement of regen options is annihilation to the abridgement of acumen in the anchor pedal itself. No amount how abundant time I spent active the Mach-E and aggravating to tune into the brakes, I aloof couldn’t. To all intents and purposes, they’re either on or off. This makes any attack at accuracy forth a alley with lots of stops amid corners nigh-on impossible. And that’s not the end of its disjointedness. Unlike the Kia, the council drops into an bogus software canal about the straight-ahead, and either ancillary of that there’s some vagueness that anon puts you on the aback bottom aback you’ve got kerbs hemming you in. Afterwards that the council weights up but the captivation torque mid-bend still isn’t as consistent.

Then we appear to the Mach-E’s suspension. While the EV6 is acclimatized and builds aplomb over bumps, the Mach-E makes you feel like you’re active on the edge; like it’s recreating the actuality of Mustangs of old with a alive rear axle, because there’s actual little accord amid the advanced and back. Area the EV6’s anatomy tends to acceleration and abatement as one over imperfections, the Mach-E produces a alternation of abstracted reactions at anniversary end. The bounce ante feel higher, because you feel impacts added intently, and the damping – which is adaptive while the EV6’s is acquiescent – isn’t as able-bodied bound because the aftershocks are added credible as well. The consequence is a action of accumulation management, and it’s a action the Mach-E feels like it’s ambiguous on the bend of accident at times.

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Because of its bigger composure, the EV6 is additionally a abundant calmer motorway car. There’s some affable amplitude in its alpine anatomy that rocks you acclaim but it doesn’t fidget like the Mach-E. Both cars are close over aciculate ridges and potholes, but the EV6 isn’t arrant – in allotment because its anatomy doesn’t aftermath the blatant thumps that the Mach-E’s does . Both cars clammy out wind babble actual well, but the Mach-E’s berth is added accessible to alley babble than the EV6’s, which is commendably quiet for a car at this amount range. It all adds up to it actuality a accomplished motorway car.

Before you anticipate it’s all acclaim for the EV6, there are issues with it, too. The infotainment awning is a amplitude abroad and it’s not consistently as acknowledging as the Mach-E’s bigger, Tesla-esque account offering. There appears to be a few added glitches in the EV6’s software as well, admitting the Mach-E’s seems added abiding and, personally, I anticipate its airheaded are bit easier to appreciate as well. Indeed, abreast from the overarching affair of afraid a massive book in a car, I’d say the Ford’s arrangement is one of the slickest and easiest to use afterwards Tesla’s, bar some annoyingly baby icons.

It’s additionally easier for me to see the top of the apparatus awning in the Mach-E. In the EV6 the council caster cuts off some acute advice – the speedo, for archetype – although that is bifold in the EV6’s head-up display, which is accepted on the GT-Line S and bare with the Mach-E. There are additionally one or two concrete buttons in the EV6 – added a lot added touch-sensitive ones – to accomplish bribery with the accustomed settings a bit easier. And those buttons, like the blow of its interior, feel bigger affection than what you acquisition in the Mach-E. The accessory selector dial, for example, wobbles around, while the EV6’s is abiding and able-bodied damped.

In abounding added ways, their active positions are similar. Both cars accept aerial floors and low seats, so you’re sitting with your legs out straighter than you would be in a accepted SUV – one afterwards a huge array below its seats. But they’re still actual adjustable cars, with accepted multiway powered seats and manually adjustable council wheels, anniversary with a acceptable ambit of ahead and aft movement as able-bodied as height. And adequate seats. They abridgement a bit of thigh abutment acknowledgment to their shortish squabs, but contrarily accumulate you able-bodied absorptive alike afterwards a few hours toiling abroad abaft the wheel. The Mach-E’s sportier, GT Achievement semi-buckets catch you bigger in corners, though, but the EV6’s faux-suede trim is at atomic grippy.

In the rear, they accept collapsed floors all the way beyond but, again, they’re high, authoritative it feel like you’re sitting on a daybed with your knees way aloft your backside. This is worse in the EV6 than it is in the Mach-E, and the EV6 has a bit beneath allowance as able-bodied – the Mach-E’s alternative bottle roof abacus an added centimetre or so forth with calamity the autogenous with light. The EV6 has added legroom, although neither car is awkward in the rear, and if you adorned a snooze, it’s the alone one with a collapsed rear backrest. Anniversary car has accompanying boots, although the amplitude beneath their bonnets isn’t abundant cop. Their rear boots are both appropriate – big abundant to cope with a family’s needs at atomic – and there’s the advantage to bend bottomward the aback seats and add added aggregate aback required. The EV6’s ski bear adds some added versatility over the 60:40 breach that both have.

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As these are top-end trims, you’re appealing able-bodied served for toys. Anniversary has advantageous assurance aids, like dark atom monitoring, and annoying ones, like lane assist, which thankfully you can about-face off calmly from their corresponding council wheels. There are additionally parking cameras and sensors, to advice abate their capricious rear visibility, while on the affluence side, both accept adaptive cruise with semi-automated steering, acrimonious seats, a acrimonious council wheel, wireless charging, keyless aperture and a exceptional complete system. The B&O arrangement in the Mach-E sounds punchy, but the Meridian arrangement in the EV6 is addled in the mid-range and a bit disappointing.

Still, admitting its stereo’s weaknesses, and the actuality that its keyless access is buggy and alike managed to lock me out of the car (thankfully, the window was down) the EV6 wins this analysis by a country mile. Once those little niggles are sorted, which no agnosticism they will be with a software update, you’ll be larboard with a abundant bigger bound artefact – a bigger EV in agreement of its charging, and a bigger car in agreement of ride, clarification and active enjoyment. The EV6 absolutely is a acceptable steer, and not aloof for an EV but for any SUV. It has acceptable antithesis and address to amuse those of us attractive for such things in a family-friendly car.

Unfortunately, there won’t be any over-the-air updates that can fix the Mach-E’s flaws. They’re rather added axiological than a few software glitches, which is a shame. Ford knows how to bureaucracy a car to action active pleasure, but it’s absent the mark with this one. The best I can say is that it feels like there ability be a acceptable car in there afterwards some added affability work. But again there’s the added issue: the charging rate. Sure, appropriate now 350kW chargers are few and far between. But that will change, too, and sitting for 16 account cat-and-mouse for a allegation is a lot beneath arresting than actuality ashore at some awful casework cat-and-mouse 45 account in your Mach-E. Which agency it’s already out of date. So while the Mustang’s control of above straight-line acceleration and alehouse aloof rights are indisputable, you’d allegation an ailing attraction in both commendations to accept it over the EV6. Kia’s accepted flagship is added than quick enough, and a much, abundant bigger car to boot.

Specification | 2025 Ford Mustang Mach-E GT

Engine: Dual electric motorsTransmission: 1-speed auto, four-wheel drivePower (hp): 487Torque (lb ft): 634Useable array admeasurement (kWh): 910-62mph: 3.7 secondsTop speed: 124mphCombined range: 310 afar (WLTP)Energy consumption: 3.1 m/kWhCO2: 0g/km (WLTP)Kerbweight: 2,273kgPrice: £66,280 (£68,425 as activated with Panorama Roof and Dark Amount Grey Exclusive Anatomy Colour)

Specification | 2025 Kia EV6 AWD GT-Line S

Engine: Dual electric motorsTransmission: 1-speed auto, four-wheel drivePower (hp): 326Torque (lb ft): 446Useable array admeasurement (kWh): 77.40-62mph: 5.2 secondsTop speed: 114mphCombined range: 300 afar (WLTP)Energy consumption: 3.45 m/kWhCO2: 0g/km (WLTP)Kerbweight: 2,090kgPrice: £52,695 (£52,695 as tested)

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