Light Blue Ford Escape Redesign And Review

Hope you’re not ailing of the #ford #bronco yet! Autoblog Senior Editor John Snyder, Road Analysis Editor Zac Palmer, and Senior Producer Christopher McGraw sit bottomward and altercate the leaked images of the automotive industry’s most-hyped SUV.

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Pin on Kylie – light blue ford escape | light blue ford escape
3 Ford Escape XLT Light Blue Metallic Courtesy Chrysler - light blue ford escape
3 Ford Escape XLT Light Blue Metallic Courtesy Chrysler – light blue ford escape | light blue ford escape

Clearer photos of the 2021 Ford Bronco fabricated their way assimilate amusing media Tuesday night, giving us our best attending yet at what Ford has in abundance for its active 4×4.

Photos of the production-spec off-roader accept been bottomward out of aloof about every able in the internet aback Friday, aback a scattering of blocked photos of a topless Bronco started authoritative the rounds. Since, we’ve apparent added photos of accomplished four-door models and a decidedly ablaze attempt of a 2-door administration blade antic a sleek, body-colored hardtop. These latest shots yet afresh appear address of The Raptor Connection on Instagram.

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CHRISTOPHER MCGRAW: All right, so you guys talked about this absolutely a bit on the podcast– I aloof begin out. And I haven’t listened to this week’s podcast yet. But Ford Bronco leaks are absolutely the affair appropriate now. And I’m appealing aflame about the Ford Bronco and the babyish Bronco, the Bronco, the Sport.

I am appealing aflame about these leaked images. And I capital to get your assessment if we go to– let’s alpha off with the Ford Bronco action leaks that we saw. That’s the dejected vehicle. I aloof appetite to apprehend your all-embracing assessment on what you anticipate about the administration and how it fits into the automotive apple that we’re active in appropriate now.

ZAC PALMER: Yeah, so my aboriginal consequence with the Bronco Action was I anticipation it looked a lot like the aboriginal Escape, actually– I anticipate that cool, blocky styling. And, you know, it’s absolute altered than the accepted day Escape, which is a lot added like a car. It’s a lot of curves– no aciculate edges anywhere.

It’s a bit added like a Focus or, I mean, aloof a accustomed car, as adjoin to this Bronco Sport, which is– I mean, I’ve heard a lot of comparisons with the Land Rover Defender. It looks added upmarkets. It looks like– you know, it’s apparently activity to be added big-ticket than an Escape would be my guess. But, I mean, overall, like, I do absolutely like the design. What do you anticipate about, John?

JOHN SNYDER: Well, aback you mentioned the Escape to me the added day, that’s aback it clicked. And it’s like, I wasn’t absolutely abiding what to anticipate of this. But, yeah, aback you mentioned that, it looked like the Escape as, yeah, the old Escape– the one like, I am consistently talking about how I absence it. I like the administration the new Escape has taken.

But I absolutely absence that aboriginal Escape. And this has that aforementioned array of attending to it– that aforementioned array of macho, burly, array of blocky styling. I absolutely like the array of two-tone, like, dejected that we’re seeing. And then, you know, from the basal of the windows up, the pillars in the roof are all black. I anticipate that looks appealing cool.

I was not abiding I was activity to be awash on this. And alike afterwards attractive at the photos for a little bit that I’m not– I’m still not awash on the badging on the back. And I’m still not awash on action name. And I’m aloof stop calling thing– the abate versions of things sport.

ZAC PALMER: RoadSport.

CHRISTOPHER MCGRAW: Yeah, that’s absolutely what I anticipation of– aloof [LAUGHS]

JOHN SNYDER: But I don’t know, yeah. And if you attending at the back, attending at breadth that Ford adumbration is.

CHRISTOPHER MCGRAW: The Ford Adumbration is atrocious. Like, it’s so, so bad. It feels like first-gen Bend to me aback they were like, oh, we charge to put a Ford cast on actuality somewhere. And they aloof slapped one on it feels like.

JOHN SNYDER: It affectionate of reminds me of, like, the adjustment of the Land Rover badges. That’s what it looks like to me which is a little derivative. They don’t charge to be that derivative. But I anticipate if you don’t analyze it to the Land Rover, I anticipate on its own, it’s appealing good. I will abstain judgment– final acumen until I see it in actuality to drive it. But these are absolutely able photos.

CHRISTOPHER MCGRAW: Yeah, I absolutely accede with both of you that it reminds me of the Escape. I actually– my additional and third cars were that old Escape. So I accept an affection for that, like, mini Explorer, like–

JOHN SNYDER: –experience for you?


JOHN SNYDER: It didn’t ruin the acquaintance for you?

CHRISTOPHER MCGRAW: No, I was– I was like, 17 and had abhorrent car opinions. So–

JOHN SNYDER: I got it. Those are good.

CHRISTOPHER MCGRAW: And I think– I think, yeah. To me, it looks like if that aboriginal or maybe second-gen Escape had a kid with the Ford Bend and that kid aloof absolutely admired off-roading, that’s what this looks like to me. I anticipate the two-tone allotment of it is absolutely bringing in the bend for me. But I like it a lot.

The affair that I don’t like about it– the badging– I don’t like that Ford Emblem. Alike if it was like, blacked out, I anticipate I’d like it better. And again the white Bronco and the barbecue and on the back, I mean, if there was anytime a time breadth I would aerosol acrylic something, that would be it. Yeah, absolutely like, matte atramentous those badges. And I’m abiding that’s activity to be an option. But–

JOHN SNYDER: You want, like, matte black? I can see like a glossy– because the–

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light blue ford escape hybrid – Google Search Ford escape, Ford – light blue ford escape | light blue ford escape

CHRISTOPHER MCGRAW: Gloss works too because again it would bout the roof.

JOHN SNYDER: In the front, it would aloof abandon if it was matte.

ZAC PALMER: Yeah. They’re absolutely blame that Bronco brand, it sounds like. I mean, it’s secondary. That’s why it’s like, lower than on the appropriate ancillary of the rear. I don’t alike see a Ford logo on the advanced of this affair on the hood, which [INAUDIBLE] bizarre.

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But, yeah, it actually– that throwing it off to the ancillary thing– the brain-teaser of the Hummer barter EV they accept Hummer way beyond the grill, huge and again the tiny little GMC logo on the side. And it’s– yeah, it absolutely seems like, you know, both GM and now Ford is accomplishing the aforementioned affair with the Bronco that they’re blame the archetypal name as the affairs point instead of the cast itself.

CHRISTOPHER MCGRAW: And let’s move on to the absolute Bronco, not the Bronco Sport. We accept a brace of leaks. The aboriginal aperture was a white– white Bronco with what looks like a bolt hood. I don’t apperceive if you guys accept that articulation accessible to booty a attending at that. But what do you anticipate about, A, how aflame are you to drive a Bronco after a roof on it? And B, what do you anticipate of the bolt roof? Not hood. I anticipate I said awning earlier. Bolt roof is what I meant.

JOHN SNYDER: I anticipate it’s got to action it, of course. You can absolutely acquaint that the rear window looks like that artificial job. It looks air-conditioned wrinkly. Honestly– I don’t know. I would aloof try and accumulate the top off as abundant as possible. [LAUGHS] But I anticipate it looks– it looks bad ass. That access and abandonment bend looks appealing severe– looks like it could absolutely clamber over some stuff.

I like the illuminated– it looks like the accomplished band beyond the advanced with the book is all aflame on the grill. And so that’s appealing cool. I like that. A little– little blatant for apparently for some people’s taste. But I get bottomward with it.

ZAC PALMER: Yeah, I mean, the aboriginal articulation that we got– I anticipate was yesterday, yeah, or two canicule ago– oh, we got the four door, but again we additionally got the two aperture and that administration book. And I anticipate that that– that is the one that I’m air-conditioned aflame about. I anticipate that this one brings aback the abounding cornball acquaintance of the 1960s Broncos with the appearance of it, you know, that shortish awning with a really, absolutely abbreviated rear end.

And it looks like it ability accept some array of disposable adamantine top on it, as I’m attractive at the band activity all the way up into the roof. That’s addition alarming thing. And hopefully it’s a ablaze roof that you can bandy aback there. But now this looks like a really, absolutely abundant addition to the Wrangler, which, I mean, at this point, I’m absolutely afraid that cipher has absolutely appear up with any accurate adversary to the Wrangler.

But, hey, actuality we go– two doors, maybe chiral transmission. I apperceive that we’ve apparent rumors about that. I anticipate that’d be awesome. I don’t apperceive what the booty amount would be on it. But not like– the two aperture and this array of Rubicon-esque styling. You see the big asperous tires, big ride heights. I’m super, super, air-conditioned absorbed by the two door. And at the aforementioned time, I anticipate the four aperture looks appealing abundant too. So I don’t know. Do you accept any big opinions, Chris?

CHRISTOPHER MCGRAW: I mean, not annihilation too crazy. I like the two door. I mean, if I was activity to buy a Wrangler, I would buy the two door, alike admitting it’s not as practical. And so aforementioned affair here. The Bronco two aperture is just– oh my gosh, it’s– I haven’t been this aflame about a agent in a while. I feel like– and I anticipate some of that has to do with now I alive in an breadth area I can go off-roading, like, appealing calmly compared to maybe you guys.

But like the two aperture is just– oh– I cannot– like, I’m picturing myself active about Moab and that thing. And I cannot delay for that moment to happen. Admitting at the aforementioned time, the four door– you know, I’m– as I’m entering my 30s, I’m like, well, the four aperture is appealing practical. And that’s all of a abrupt article I charge to alpha cerebration about. So like, I would say 80% of me is, like, yes on the two aperture over the four door. But I think, oh, man, yeah. It looks so good.

And actuality able to just, yeah, accept addition agent that you could booty the roof off of is air-conditioned nice. Active about in the Gladiator with the roof off is incredible. And so I would be absolutely aflame to do it here. The final leaked photos I anticipate we acquaint about today, yeah, aloof like an hour– beneath than an hour ago. These ones are air-conditioned clear. This atramentous four aperture with the adamantine top– what do you guys anticipate about that one?

JOHN SNYDER: From the rear, it absolutely does attending like a Wrangler, doesn’t it?

CHRISTOPHER MCGRAW: It does so abundant so.

ZAC PALMER: That’s why they were on the back.

JOHN SNYDER: I like the– I like the bolt top better, personally. I apperceive like it’s– it’s apparently noisier and whatnot. But like I said, I’d be the actuality who would accept the top off as abundant as possible. If I were activity to get Wrangler, I would aloof get the bendable top as well. Yeah, I mean, it looks good, though.

ZAC PALMER: This one makes me feel a lot bigger that the added one was real. I apperceive I was somewhat agnostic because the photo was so blurry. There were some spots actuality and there that looked affected that I don’t know. Maybe this is Photoshop– maybe it’s not Photoshop– can’t absolutely tell. But no, like, these photos like, these are, look, 100% 18-carat and that the resolution is abundant higher. So you absolutely get a bigger abstraction of the architecture itself.

And, you know, I anticipate that this is– this isn’t like the full-on off-road blueprint that we saw of the one yesterday. And now it’s the behemothic tires on it. This one has a abundant abate tire. And, you know, maybe I analyze it to like a sports or a Sahara array of Wrangler with a adamantine top too– a little quieter, maybe added comfortable inside.

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I anticipate that Ford absolutely has an befalling actuality to, like, out-feature and out-luxury the Wrangler. And this ability be one of those models. What we can’t see inside– we haven’t apparent central yet. That’s the one big question. I don’t know. Maybe they’ll be a aperture advancing after today or tomorrow that has the interior. Aloof like you said–

JOHN SNYDER: They’re accepting closer.

ZAC PALMER: Yeah, exactly. We aloof accumulate accepting afterpiece and closer. And it’s like, I don’t know. Maybe one of the– like in a few hours, we’ll see article appearance up. Oh, here’s a chiral transmission.

CHRISTOPHER MCGRAW: Right, right, yeah. Yeah, the leaks aloof accumulate on advancing and coming. And hopefully they abide to, abnormally aback the New York Auto Appearance has been adjourned till like, September. So we were acquisitive to see a lot of this in actuality in a brace of weeks. And that’s not happening. But we additionally had some of the– so the cartage that we’ve looked at so far– we’ve got the dejected one, which is the best ablaze of the agglomeration and like, white and black.

So I was absolute absorbed to see what the acrylic colors would be. And there accept been some leaks. Whether or not we apperceive that these are activity to be the acrylic colors or not, we’ll aloof speculate. But has a agglomeration of acrylic swatches. And again basically they have, like, renderings with the colors. And one affair that I was a little anxious with is that there would aloof be, as I’ve heard referred to before, the German blush scheme, which is aloof like blue, red, and again a agglomeration of gray tones.

And you know, with the Wrangler, you can bedrock azure and purple. And with a Bronco, I anticipate you should be able to bedrock azure and amethyst if you appetite to. So we got some colors. And some of them are absolutely bright, abnormally there’s like one that’s like, blooming awning green, which I’m absolutely digging. Viper Green, I think, is what it’s called. What do you guys anticipate of all these colors that we’re seeing?

JOHN SNYDER: I anticipate those aftermost few that you’re seeing there are ones that they are– they’re hopeful about.


JOHN SNYDER: But I appetite to see it that orange is affectionate of close. I appetite to see tan. I appetite to see like a camel-colored Bronco like my acquaintance acclimated to drive in aerial school. I appetite a white one like OJ collection or AC drove. You know– I appetite some of the earlier colors. I appetite some bequest stuff.

The ablaze colors are air-conditioned too. I’ve never been a fan of the ablaze blooming Wranglers. And I wouldn’t be of the ablaze blooming Bronco absolutely either. But like that ablaze dejected that we saw array of on the babyish Bronco is appealing cool. I would love, you know, an olive green, an army blooming array of thing. And then, yeah, aloof accord me like, amber and white and biscuit and, of course, black– these attending alarming in black.

ZAC PALMER: Yep, yep. I anticipate that, you know, some of the names for the colors that were leaked with something– one’s alleged Breadth 51. I anticipate that’s a appealing candied name for a color. It looks like a grayish-greenish– I mean, I’m abiding it’s activity to be a agglomeration of altered shades aback it shows up in ablaze and dark. And that’s– that’s what I’m aflame about. I saw a cyber orange fair as well.


ZAC PALMER: I am consistently aflame about orange cars. And I’m blessed that the Bronco is activity to be accessible in orange now too. You accept Fighter Jet Gray, Antimatter Dejected Metallic. So, yeah, like, all absorbing names. But I absolutely accede with John. I anticipate you charge like a sand, like all the Toyota TRD Pros in that air-conditioned albino color,

JOHN SNYDER: It accomplish me so hungry–


JOHN SNYDER: I’m aloof like–

ZAC PALMER: I accumulate adage sand, and John’s accepting athirst over here. But, yeah, I achievement that we get some absorbing blue colors from this car, because I anticipate that with an off-roader, you can affectionate of go crazy. You don’t charge to be a chastened as an Escape or an F150 with it.

JOHN SNYDER: Yeah, you appetite to be able to see your acquaintance through the dupe aback you see a cycle it bottomward a hill.

ZAC PALMER: Exactly.

CHRISTOPHER MCGRAW: Right, right. Yeah, if candidly if they took like the spectrum of colors that Toyota offered the FJ Cruiser in, like bristles to 10 years ago and aloof offered those, I would be so happy. I feel like that– that absolute blush and all of the colors of the FJ Cruiser are like, absolute for off-roading. And I adulation them absolute much. So I’m aflame to see all these colors, definitely.

I’m acquisitive that the orange is a little added orange than what we got on the Ranger. Aback I collection a Ranger in New Zealand, the orange that we got was like, it was orange. And again aback we got it here, it was like, affectionate of orange. So, yeah, I would like to see like a absolutely orange Bronco. That would be the one that I would pick, at least. And I anticipate it would be absolutely awesome, alike admitting they will never do this, if they called that blush orange OJ. But we’ll–

ZAC PALMER: Well, then, there’s approval for that.

CHRISTOPHER MCGRAW: I don’t know. Orange juice, man, I anticipate they’d be fine. All right, well, acknowledgment for talking about the new Bronco. Hopefully get some leaks advancing out soon. And we’ll amend everybody.

JOHN SNYDER: I appetite to apperceive the cost. I appetite to apperceive the cost. Oh, aback I see the interior, I appetite to apperceive the cost. And I appetite to– like, the packaging. I appetite to see how this is absolutely activity to action adjoin the Wrangler, if they can action it for some dollars beneath than the Wrangler, maybe a stripped-out version.

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I would adulation to see a absolute basal adaptation with none of the accretion and whistles except for the off-road actuality aloof for like the hardcore off-roader. And if you can amount that, you know, beneath than a Rubicon– appreciably beneath than a Rubicon, I anticipate that’s activity to be appealing competitive. So and I’m attractive advanced to seeing, yeah, the pricing, the packaging, and, of course, the interior. And we’ll apprentice those things eventually.


JOHN SNYDER: And then, like, assurance and crash. We’ll amount that out added bottomward the line. But–

CHRISTOPHER MCGRAW: And again there’s all the account that you could buy to put on it. That’s– I’m aflame to see all that stuff.

JOHN SNYDER: Yeah, it’s activity to be–

ZAC PALMER: Afar long.

JOHN SNYDER: The appropriate editions. There’s activity to be, oh, yeah, apparently some appropriate editions.

ZAC PALMER: Yep– has been– maybe the OJ edition– all white Bronco.

JOHN SNYDER: We’re all in on OJ.

ZAC PALMER: Weird. We’ll accord for John’s birthday, Bronco.

CHRISTOPHER MCGRAW: Yeah. Unfortunately I’m appealing abiding Ford is aggravating to balloon that moment in their history. But it’ll never– it’ll never happen. The ’90s alive on.

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Light Blue Ford Escape Redesign And Review – light blue ford escape
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